looking for software

Shojiro NOMURA bc4s-nmr at ASAHI-NET.OR.JP
Sat Oct 11 11:05:46 UTC 1997

At 0:02 AM +0900 1997.10.9, Birgit Kellner wrote:
>Our department mostly
> uses Macs, and there is a search-program called "bochi"(in Japanese)
> which comes pretty close (expect for the diacritics), ....

Dear Brigit.

I use Pochi too. You can customize "Pochi" to display your preferable font.
If you or your department have CodeWorrior Power Plant, you can change fonts
on the find-dialog because this software is developed on it.  So it will be
a quite safe change without any bugs.

That will be helpful for searching texts with diacritics.
If you or your department don't have Power Plant,  I can do. Please contact

----------- sarva mangalam----------------------------------------
Shojiro NOMURA (Waseda University)
Email   bc4s-nmr at asahi-net.or.jp
Web URL  http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~bc4s-nmr/

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