
Narayan S. Raja raja at GALILEO.IFA.HAWAII.EDU
Thu Nov 27 01:58:09 UTC 1997

Sudalaimuthu Palaniappan wrote:

> Is there anybody out there who can throw some conclusive
> light on the actual location of "potalaka"? It is really
> perplexing how "potalaka" can be identified as two places
> so far apart, one in the northwest of India and one near
> Cape Comorin.

This is fascinating.  Could you please mention
which two places you are referring to?  Thanks
in advance.

The two places which I have seen being identified/confounded
with "Potalaka" are:

(1) the Dalai Lama's "Potala" palace in Lhasa (a somewhat
    natural conception, since Tibetans consider the Dalai Lama
    to be an embodiment of Avalokiteshvara bodhisattva).

(2) the island of Pu'to, off the southern coast of China,
    which is considered the "home" of Kuan-yin, the
    Chinese (female) bodhisattva of compassion.



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