Q: Translations of Kavya-commentaries?

Jakub Cejka Visitor-Sanskrit jakub at unipune.ernet.in
Sat Mar 15 22:49:06 UTC 1997

 Out of mere curiosity:
 So far, I have come across only Mallinatha's Ghantapatha having been
 translated into English (only the comm.on first six cantos of Kir., by
 Roodbergen).  I'd like to know which other kavya-commentaries have been
 translated/summarized/studied in English (etc.) 
   Thank you for any reference.
 And also: I have the impression that despite various critical editions of
 kavya-texts there were very few attempts on critical establishing of the
 text of the commentaries on the edited kavyas.  Often only one manuscript
 of a commentary printed had been examined. Which kavya-comms have been
 critically edited? 

Jakub Cejka
Dept. of Sanskrit, University of Pune
Ganeshkhind, Pune, India  411 007

e-mail:  jakub at unipune.ernet.in  
(valid till June 97 approx.) 

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