Aeronautics in Ancient India?

Dominique.Thillaud thillaud at
Fri Jun 27 00:53:31 UTC 1997

At 0:53 +0200 27/06/97, Jacob Baltuch wrote:
>>in message <Pine.A32.3.95.970626171118.58337E-100000 at> ,
>>ucgadkw at (Dominik Wujastyk) wrote:
>>> On Thu, 26 Jun 1997, sudheer birodkar wrote:
>>>> I am looking for information on aeronautics in ancient
>>>> India. I am told that there is a book called Brihat Vimana
>>>> Samahita in Sanskrit.
>>> This text was printed, but there are no manuscripts of the work and it
>>> must therefore be a fabrication. . . .
>>Permit me to assert that the unavailability of evidence is no proof of the
>>invalidity of what is being claimed, proposed or investigated.
>Of course! Brilliant! Just because there's no evidence that
>your grandmother can fly, does not *prove* that she's not
>an airplane! So *that* is the logical foundation of those
>theories, hunh?! Why didn't say so before? Eat your heart
>out, Karl Popper!

	My grandmother was all things for me,
	Hence she was an airplane,
	With the white smoke of his hair,
	With the roaring of his reprimands
	When I was young.
	Now she's broken down, now she's flying in my heart.

(but without any vimana ...),

Dominique THILLAUD
Universite' de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, France

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