Q: Translations of Kavya-commentaries? (repost)

Jakub Cejka Visitor-Sanskrit jakub at unipune.ernet.in
Wed Jun 25 23:23:15 UTC 1997

[I am reposting an old query of mine to which I noticed no reply   maybe
it was just overlooked]

On Sat, 15 Mar 1997, Jakub Cejka Visitor-Sanskrit wrote:

> Out of mere curiosity:
> So far, I have come across only Mallinatha's Ghantapatha having been
> translated into English (only the comm.on first six cantos of Kir., by
> Roodbergen).  I'd like to know which other kavya-commentaries have been
> translated/summarized/studied in English (etc.) 
>   Thank you for any reference.
> And also: I have the impression that despite various critical editions of
> kavya-texts there were very few attempts on critical establishing of the
> text of the commentaries on the edited kavyas.  Often only one manuscript
> of a commentary printed had been examined. Which kavya-comms have been
> critically edited? 

I feel commentaries on kavyas are often an interesting piece of work by
itself. But I know of not only no renderings of their contents into a
modern language (except the example of Roodbergen's thesis mentioned
above) but not even of some thorough studies of kavya-commentaries. They
are interestin both for the comments given as also for their language
    If you know of works dealing with kavya comms. please let me know.

Jakub Cejka
Dept. of Sanskrit, University of Pune
Ganeshkhind, Pune, India  411 007

e-mail:  jakub at unipune.ernet.in  
(valid till June 97 approx.) 

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