Quoting Clinton

Dr. Jai Maharaj jai at mantra.com
Sun Jun 15 22:51:46 UTC 1997

Namaste! At 11:44 PM 6/15/97 BST, Anshuman Pandey wrote:
> On Sun, 15 Jun 1997, S Krishna wrote:
> [...]
>Boy, you really opened up a can of worms here! Correct me if I am wrong,
>but isn't "iyer" indeed a corruption of the word "arya"? And isn't the
>root in the name Ireland a cognate of "arya", not to mention the root in
>Iran as well. So, in a round-about way, Ireland really would be a 
>corruption of "Iyer"land, wouldn't it?
>Anshuman Pandey

Well, at least there is no dispute that "Canada" is
a nothing but a Eurocentric bastardization of "Kannada". :)

Jai Maharaj
Jyotishi, Vedic Astrologer
Om Shanti

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