A text on cooking by Bhima?

Roland Steiner steiner at Mailer.Uni-Marburg.DE
Wed Feb 26 07:23:50 UTC 1997

Ms Heike Gilbert wrote a thesis entitled "Das Paakadarpa.na, ein 
altes indisches Kochbuch" ("The P., an old Indian cook book"), 
Marburg 1994, containing, among other things, an edition of the Skt. text 
and a German translation (p. 5 has a list of further mss). She has 
used the two editions mentioned by Allen Thrasher and an additional 
Devanagari paper manuscript from the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute 
(no. 932 [or 982?] of 1887-91). According to German accademic rules every 
PhD. thesis has to be published soon after the viva voce. One can assume 
that it will be published within a year.

At the moment Heike Gilbert is in Japan:
3-37-8 Yamato cho
Tokyo 165, Japan
Fax 81-3-3336-6755

As far as I know she is due to return to Germany very soon (March?) and 
could be contacted then through the University of Marburg (Department of 
Indology, Wilhelm-Roepke-Str. 6, D-35032 Marburg; Tel.: +49-6421-284741; 
Fax: +49-6421-288913).

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