Dubrovnik Conference on Skt Epics & Puranas
John Brockington
SKTJLBS at srv0.arts.ed.ac.uk
Thu Feb 13 09:10:24 UTC 1997
to be held August 11-16, 1997
in Dubrovnik, Croatia.
The conference will open on the morning of Monday, 11 August and close on the evening
of Saturday, 16 August.
Topics proposed:
1. Manuscript research, textual criticism and text history
2. Text hermeneutics and inter-textuality
3. Relationship of Vedic, Epic and Puranic texts
4. Puranas and modern times (modern texts, reception, pilgrimage)
5. Oral v. written composition (formulae, motifs, themes, etc.)
6. The question of literary genres and techniques of composition
7. Concepts of time (images of time, cycles of time, narrative time, symbolic
Papers should be limited to 30 minutes, to allow ample time for discussion.
In addition, it is hoped to organise some workshops on the direction of future research
on the Sanskrit Epics and Puranas - suggestions welcome.
Anyone who would like an invitation is warmly encouraged to submit the proposed title
of their paper to one of the organisers as soon as possible, indicating the topic to
which it should be assigned; abstracts (1-2 typed pages) should be sent as soon
afterwards as possible.
Further details available from:
Mislav Jezic mjezic at husc.harvard.edu
John Brockington J.L.Brockington at ed.ac.uk
Peter Schreiner pesch at indoger.unizh.ch
Greg Bailey astgmb. at lure.latrobe.edu.au
Mrs Milka Jauk-Pinhak Dept. of Linguistics and Oriental Studies, Faculty of
Philosophy, University of Zagreb, Ivana Lucica 3, HR-10000
ZAGREB, Croatia
tel. +385-1-525 233
fax. +385-1-513 834
Titles and abstracts preferably to John Brockington.
Dr J. L. Brockington
Department of Sanskrit
University of Edinburgh
7 Buccleuch Place
Edinburgh EH8 9LW U.K.
tel: +31 650 4174
fax: +31 650 6804
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