Harvard University public lecture

Bijoy Misra bmisra at husc.harvard.edu
Sat Feb 8 13:39:16 UTC 1997

Please join us if you are in the area..
Dr. Qutab is from Pakistan and has been a pioneer in
Ayurvedic medicine..
			   Harvard University
		Department of Sanskrit and Indian Studies
		   Outreach Committee Public Lecture
	                "AYURVEDA AND MEDICINE"
	       	            Dr. Abbas Qutab
	     Director, Ultimate Health Center, Worcester, MA..
		     SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 3:00 PM
		       	    LECTURE HALL C, 	
		     1 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA.

Abstract: Ayurveda is the world's oldest system of natural medicine,
originating over 5,000 years ago in India.  Ayurveda emphasizes the
prevention of disease as well as promotion of health andf longevity. 
The speaker, an expert on Ayurvedic Medicine, will discuss the origin,
history and practice of medicine with the principles of Ayurveda.

	The lecture is free and the public is cordially invited..
		   The hall is wheel-chair accessible.
          Coosponsored by India Association of Greater Boston. 
  For any further information, please call (617)495-3295 or (617)864-5121.

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