Forwarded message: Panini Pratisthana

Dominik Wujastyk ucgadkw at UCL.AC.UK
Tue Dec 9 17:38:15 UTC 1997

---- forwarded for general information ---

                          PANINI PRATISTHANA

                         INTERNATIONAL CENTER

Corrospondance address:-
        c/o Mrs. S. V. Bhate
        15/46, "KRATU", Nirmal Baug,
        Parvati, Near Muktangan highschool.
        Pune - 411 009
        email :- saroja at
                 drbhate at

Board :-
        Settlors :
                    Mr. V. B. Bhagawat
                    "BHUSHAN",  Manoj Co-Op Hsg. Socity,
                    Gultekdi. Pune - 411 037

                    Mr. S. D. Joshi
                    1317, Shrukrawar Peth,
                    Pune - 411 002

        Trustee :
                    Mrs. S. V. Bhate
                    15/46, "KRATU", Nirmal Baug,
                    Parvati, Near Muktangan highschool.
                    Pune - 411 009

                    Mrs. H. V. Dole
                    "BHUSHAN",  Manoj Co-Op Hsg. Socity,
                    Gultekdi. Pune - 411 037

                    Mr. V. B. Bhagawat
                    "BHUSHAN",  Manoj Co-Op Hsg. Socity,
                    Gultekdi. Pune - 411 037

Aims and Objective :

        *  To promote and encourage study of Panini's Scheme of
           Grammar both in traditional and modern methodes.

        *  To promote and encourage fundamental research in the
           Panini Tradition.

        *  To promote and encourage study of manuscripts in
           ancient Indian Languages and scripts.

        *  To promote and encourage study of classical languages
           such as Sanskrit, Pali, Prakrit, Avesta, Tibetan,
           Greek and Latin.

        *  To promote and encourage study of other Indian Languages
           as well as other Universal Languages such as  German,
           French etc.

        *  To provide facilities for the fulfilment of the above

        *  To publish monographs, editions, translations, journals,
           felicitations and commemoration volumes and other litrature
           related to the above subjects.

        *  To organize courses, seminars, conferences, workshops,
           schools and shastrarthas on the above and related subjects.

        *  To conduct written and oral examinations in the above subjects
           and to give certificates to those who pass the examinations,
           including examinations of other academic Institutions.

        *  To prepare curriculum and syllabus for conducting such

        *  To distribute prizes, awards and scholarships to deserving
           students, scholars and Pandits in recognition of their
           achievements in the above subjects as well as to enable them
           to pursue their studies.

        *  To collect funds and donations in order to carry out the above

        *  To collaborate with other Institutes for organising any of
           the programs related to the above subjects.

        *  To acquire by gift, purchase, exchange, lease, hire or otherwise
           any property movable and/or immovable and to construct, improve,
           alter, demolish or repair buildings and structures as may be
           necessary or convenient for carrying on the activities of the

        *  For the purpose of the center, to draw and accept and make and
           endorse, discount and negotiate Goverment of India and other
           Promissory Notes, Bills of Exchange, cheques or other negotiable

        *  To give donations to other instutions with simillar aims and

        *  To takeover the entire activities of the other Institute having
           simillar activities, along with their assets and liabilities.

Appeal :

        This is appeal to all the Orientological and Indological
        community to extend their co-operation to this organization
        in terms of consultation, informations, collaboration,
        participation and financial assistance.

        Mrs. S. V. Bhate
          Managing Trustee

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