Faith in Hinduism
Lars Martin Fosse
l.m.fosse at
Thu Aug 14 17:51:52 UTC 1997
At 18:28 14.08.97 BST, you wrote:
>John Powers wrote:
>>A student of mine is doing a research project on the role (fi any) of faith
>>in Hinduism, both (or either) classical and contemporary. I really can't
>>think of any sources that discuss this topic, but if anyone else can, I'd
>>greatly appreciate it if you could share them. I'll pass them on to my
>A work that focuses on more recent forms of Hinduism is C.J. Fuller's _The
>Camphor Flame_. I have not had an opportunity to read it as yet, but it
>comes highly recommended. As I recall, the approach is somewhat more
>anthropological. Fuller's work does include an extensive bibliography,
>which may point you to other useful sources.
I am familiar with Fuller's book, and give it my best recommentations. May I
also suggest the brilliant little book by David R. Kinsley: The Sword and
the Flute, Kali & Krshna. Dark Visions of the Terrible and the Sublime in
Hindu Mythology. University of California Press, 1975.
Best regards,
Lars Martin Fosse Lars Martin Fosse
Haugerudvn. 76, Leil. 114,
0674 Oslo
Tel: +47 22 32 12 19
Fax: +47 22 32 12 19
Email: L.M.Fosse at
Mobile phone: 90 91 91 45
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