Identification of sm.rti and vedic (?) quotations

John Newman (NC) newman at
Sat Apr 5 21:36:39 UTC 1997

With apologies, this is a re-posting (the last) of a message I posted one
month ago, in the hope that members of the list who missed it the first
time will be able to offer assistance:

> I am working on a paper titled "Islam in the Buddhist Kaalacakra Tantra,"
> and one
> of my major sources, the Vimalaprabhaa, cites two passages apparently
> drawn
> from brahmanical sources in the context anti-brahmanical polemics.
> I would be grateful for any assistance members of the list might offer in
> identifying the sources of these passages:
> 1) do.san tatra na paZyaami yo du.s.te du.s.tam aacared iti
> I suspect this is drawn from a sm.rti, because the Vimalaprabhaa
anonymously cites
> Manu, Yaajnyavalkya, and the Mahaabhaarata in the same context.
> 2) indra.h paZur aasiid iti
> I suspect this is Vedic, because it is cited within a refutation of Vedic
> scriptural authority.
> John Newman
> New College

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