A Brhatkatha Problem

g.v.simson at easteur-orient.uio.no g.v.simson at easteur-orient.uio.no
Mon Oct 28 15:22:41 UTC 1996

Regarding A. Bigger's question concerning kalevaram/ka.devaram in
B.rhatkathaa-Sloka-Sa.mgraha 15.81: Lacote has ka.devaram  ("corps"); with
varia lectio: ka.demvara.m, B; and footnote "ka.devaram=kalevaram".
Otherwise see Dominique Thillaud's answer.
   Best regards,
                        Georg v. Simson

Professor Georg von Simson
University of Oslo
Department of East European and Oriental Studies
Box 1030, Blindern
0315 Oslo, Norway

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