David Magier magier at columbia.edu
Thu Oct 10 13:51:37 UTC 1996

The following event announcement is being forwarded to your mailing
list or listserv from the EVENTS CALENDAR section of The South Asia
Gopher. Please contact event organizers directly (as below) for any
further information.   David Magier,   SAG


Introduction to Ayurveda:
A Fall Workshop

November 1-3, 1996

Kellogg Center
15th Floor, International Affairs Building
Columbia Univeristy
420 West 118th Street
New York City, NY

(Sponsored in part by the Dharam Hinduja Indic Research Center of
Columbia University)

With Vasant Lad, Director, Ayurvedic Institute  Albuquerque, New Mexico

This weekend workshop will include an introduction to the principles
and practices of Ayurveda featuring discussions and practical
demonstrations.  Special attention will be given to how Ayurveda
understands and treats common health problems experienced by women.

Friday,   November 1st   6 pm - 8 pm, The Asia Society
Saturday, November 2nd   9 am - 5 pm, Kellogg Center
Sunday,   November 3rd  10 am - 1 pm, Kellogg Center

Advance Registration     $100
On-site Registration     $125

Advance registation must be received by Friday, October 25th, 1996.
Please contact the Hinduja Center administrative office for
registration information at:

dhirc at columbia.edu.

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