Book request

Hueckstedt hueckst at cc.UManitoba.CA
Tue Oct 8 19:58:53 UTC 1996

(Apologies in advance to those of you who will get this twice.)

I have searched high and low, up and down, and all around for the 
following, but I have so far had no luck at all. Now I'm beginning to 
wonder if this has even "come down" to us from the seventeenth century. 
The work is:
The author is:
	CakrapA.nidatta or " or just

It is an attack on the SiddhAntakaumudI of Bha.t.toji DIk.sita.

With the help of our loyal but sometimes mystified interlibrary loan 
people here, I have checked all the libraries in the major universities 
in Canada, and the libraries in most of the major universities of the US. I 
will be grateful for any suggestions.

Bob Hueckstedt

Robert A. Hueckstedt, Associate Professor of Indic Languages
Asian Studies Centre, 328 Fletcher Argue, University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2N2 Canada
fax 1 204-275-5781 phones 1 204-474-8964, 1 204-488-4797

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