Upanishads and their Vedas

Charles Wikner WIKNER at nacdh4.nac.ac.za
Mon Oct 7 06:23:48 UTC 1996

Anshuman Pandey <apandey at u.washington.edu> wrote:

> I am looking for a comprehensive source which would provide me with a
> listing of the Upanishads (the "genuine" 108 and perhaps the "ingenuine"
> ones as well) and the Vedas/Vedic schools to which they belong.

The attached NEWS item seems to answer your query.

Charles Wikner.
wikner at nac.ac.za
___________________________ NEWS item ____________________________

From: gmadras at pinto.engr.ucdavis.edu (Giri)
Newsgroups: soc.religion.hindu
Subject: Re: upanishads

	Previously, in this newsgroup and others, there has been some
discussion on the authentic 108 upanishhads, and the list found in
the muktika upanishhad. Earlier, Vijay Pai had posted a similar list,
and here is the modified list (with minor changes, and also now in
ITRANS for sanskrit output).
	Here is the list from the muktika upanishhad. This is 
narrated by Sri Ramachandra to Hanuman.

	The only means by which the final emancipation is attained is
through maaNDUkya upanishhad alone, which is enough for the salvation for
all aspirants. If GYAna is not attained therebym study the 10 upanishhads;
thou shalt soon attain GYAna, and then My Seat. O son of ajnjanaa, if thy
GYAna is not made firm, practice (study) well the 32 upanishhads. Thou
shalt get release. If thou longest after videhamukti, study the 108
upanishhads. I will truly state in order the (names of the) upanishhads
with their Shaanti (purificatory mantras). Hearken to them. (They are:)

iisha, kena, kaTha, prashna, muNDaka, maaNDukya, taittiriiya, aitareya,
chhaandogya, bR^ihadaaraNyaka(10), brahma, kaivalya, jaabaala,
shvetaashvatara, ha.nsa, aaruNeya, garbha, naaraayaNa, paramahaMsa,
amR^ita\-bindu(20), amR^ita\-naada, atharva\-shira, atharva\-shikha,
maitraayaNi, kaushhiitaaki, bR^ihajjaabaala, nR^isiMhataapanii,
kaalaagnirudra, maitreyi, subaala(30), kshurika, mantrika, sarva\-saara,
niraalamba, shuka\-rahasya, vajra\-suuchika, tejo\-bindu, naada\-bindu,
dhyaanabindu, brahmavidyaa(40), yogatattva, aatmabodha, parivraat
(naaradaparivraajaka), tri\-shhikhi, siitopanishhad(siita athavaa siitaa),
yogachuuDaamaNi, nirvaaNa, maNDalabraahmaNa, dakshiNaamuurti, sharabha,
skanda, (tripaaDvibhuuTi)\-mahaanaaraayaNa, advayataaraka, raamarahasya,
raamataapaNi, vaasudeva, mudgala, shaaNDilya, pai.ngala, bhikshu(60),
mahat\-shaariiraka, yogashikhaa, turiiyaatiita, sa.nnyaasa,
paramahaMsa\-parivraajaka, akshamaalika, avyakta, ekaakshara,
annapuurNa(70), suurya, akshi, adhyaatmaa, kuNDikopanishhad, saavitri,
aatmaa, paashupata, parabrahma, avadhuuta, tripuraatapanopanishhad(80),
devi, tripura, kara, bhaavana, rudra\-hR^idaya, yoga\-kuNDalini,
bhasmopanishhad, rudraaksha, gaNapati, darshana(90), taarasaara,
mahaavaakya, paJNcha\-brahma, praaNaagni\-hotra, gopaala\-tapaNi,
kR^ishhNa, yaaGYavalkya, varaaha, shaatyaayani, hayagriiva(100),
dattaatreya, gaaruDa, kali\-saNTaaraNa, jaabaala, saubhaagya,
sarasvatii\-rahasya, bahvR^icha, muktika\. 
	19 upanishhads are from Shukla Yajur veda and have the Shaanti
           beginning 'puurNamada.'
	32 upanishhads are from krishna yajur veda and have the Shaanti 
           beginning 'sahanaavavatu.'
	16 upanishhads are from Saama veda and have the Shaanti
           beginning 'aapyaayantu.'
	31 upanishhads are from Atharva veda and have the Shaanti 
           beginning 'bhadram\-karNebhiH.'
	10 upanishhads are from Rig veda and have the Shaanti 
           beginning 'vaNme\-manasi.'
Reference : Thirty minor upanishads translated by Narayanasvami aiyar.
 Chapter : Muktika upanishad

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