New Indian and Buddhist Studies Web Site

Francois.Voegeli at Francois.Voegeli at
Wed Oct 2 10:52:53 UTC 1996

        Dear Members of the list,

        The Department of Oriental Languages and Civilisations of the
University of Lausanne (Switzerland) has recently set up its own Web site
at the following URL:


        This site is best viewed with a frame-capable browser but a full
version of it exists also for non frame-capable browsers. It is also fully
bilingual (French-English ;-).
        It contains informations about the activities of our Dept.,
personal data of the teaching staff, etc. but also some subjects which
could be of greater importance to the researcher's community.
        Among them a list of Indological and Buddhist Studies Resources on
the Internet and some other niceties of the Net for scholars, Web page
designers etc.
        There is also a page we made on behalf of our French colleague Dr.
Gerschheimer. This page contains scans of a manuscript about which Dr
Gerschheimer has some questions to ask to the "wired" community of
researchers. It is a kind of experience we want to make to see how much the
Web can be useful to solve researcher's problems.
        If other members of this list (or aquaintances of members of this
list) have similar problems in the field of manuscript identification, we
could host scans of mss and construct W3 pages for their queries. (For
details about how this could be done, please mail the Webmaster of our
        Finally we would like this site to be somewhat "interactive", so if
you know of an interesting URL we could add to our list, for example, let
us know.

        Any comments on our site is of course welcomed!

Francois Voegeli
Fac. des lettres
Section de langues et civilisations orientales
Universite de Lausanne

Tel.: (41.21) 692-2721
Fax.: (41.21) 692-3045
E-mail: Francois.Voegeli at

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