Filliozat: references

Enrica Garzilli garzilli at
Wed May 1 13:59:02 UTC 1996

On Wed, 1 May 1996, George Thompson wrote:

> remember specific references, but I recall that Filliozat a long time ago
> made suggestions re the influence of Hindu [upaniSadic] sources on the
> likes of Plato, et al.  Does anyone on this list have references to
> Filliozat's claims?  And, just as important, does anyone know how
> classicists have responded to such claims, if at all?
> Sincerely,
> George Thompson
Besides his famous book *La doctrine classique de la medicine
indienne...*, Paris 1949, you might like to see (passim):

J. Filliozat, "Les Echanges de l'Inde et de l'Empire Romain aux premier
siecles de l'ere chretienne" in *Revue Historique*, Janv.-Mars 1949;

idem, "L'Inde et les echanges scientifiques dans l'Antiquite", in *Cahiers
d'Histoire mondiale, I, 2, 1953;

idem, "Ancient relations between Indian and Foreign Astronomical Systems",
in *Journal of Oriental Research*, Madras, XXV, I-IV, 1955-1956;

idem, "La valeur des connaissances greco-romains sur l'Inde", in *Journal
des Savants*, Avr.-Juin 1981;

Bibliographies on his other papers are given in the fns.

                            * * * * * 

For a short survey and perspectives on the topic, you might like to see:

P. Daffina, "India e mondo classico: risultati e prospettive", in *Annali
della Facolta di Lettere e Filosofia dell'Universita di Macerata*, X,

On the reaction of classicists you might like to see the wonderful

S. Mazzarino, *Il pensiero storico classico*, 2 vols., Bari 1983.

While analyzing the classic thought, he makes important connections
between Greek/Latin world and India before and after the Christian

It should not be forgotten the excellent:

J. Andre *L'Inde vue de Rome*, Paris 1996. 

In the footnotes some Greek references are given.  (The location of two
quotations, as far as I noticed, is not correctly given, cf. F. Jacoby
*Die Fragmente der Griechischen Historiker* -- he also gives connections,
especially in his commentary; however, re Andre's location, it can be a
typos or a case of "reverse number"  -- I briefly discuss this on "First
Greek and Latin Documents on Sahagamana and Some Connected problems", part
2, fn.  164. See below). 

A comprehensive survey of the connections (not always correct) between
India and the Greek world and a good bibliography is given by:

K. Karttunen, *India in Early Greek Literature*, Helsinki 1989 (Studia
Orientalia, Vol. 65).

This book can be read as a sort of short Encyclopaedia, and Karttunen
gives a lot of sources, even though his connections and analysis are not
always correct and precise, and sometimes they go against those of
the majority of other famous scholars (a fact that *per se* might not be
bad at all, on the contrary!:)) 
                            * * * * * 
There are more recent discussions on your topic and more on/of Filliozat,
Dumezil, etc.  You might like to see the discussion and bibliography 
in the first and second parts of my paper "First Greek and Latin Documents
on Sahagamana and Some Connected Problems", in *Indo-Iranian Journal* (in

I hope it helps. Please forgive my possible typos and the accents'
omission, etc. (but I do not claim to have quoted by heart!). For further
references please write to me in private.


Dott. Enrica Garzilli
Harvard Law School
Editor-in-Chief, IJTS and JSAWS (

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