Changes in INDOLOGY??
Sat Mar 9 02:30:32 UTC 1996
Dear Dominik,
I wholeheartedly endorse the recommendations of Prof. Witzel. The problem
is analogous to the debate in the USA on the V-chip to control violent TV shows
not suitable for children. There are all types of printed media; it is for
the discerning buyer to decide on what magazines he wants to pick up from
the news stand. So too on the internet newsgroups; the core interest group
will last out the transient spammers. Regards. Kalyanaraman.
>Dear Dominik,
>Other than proposed by some, it is not necessary at all to turn Indology
>into a closed list in order to solve the problem of spamming, etc.
>The following option has not been considered:
>The usual way to filter spamming out of mailing lists is to install a
>"filter", a custom script which scans incoming mail for keywords, and
>rejects a message if one or more keywords are found.Such scripts are very
>easy to write and install, and many are freely available, as usual, on the
>Such a filter posted on the SmartList mailing list a few months ago. It
>filters out the us[Aual spamming, including the "Free one-year magazine
>subscription" messages that are almost the only spamming I've seen on
>These scripts are highly customizable. To solve some of the other problems
>one could, easily, include such keywords as "khajuraho"/"chaos" ( etc.) to
>turn away the more inane messages, -- in case it really becomes necessary,
>though I personally would not advise to do so on the spur of the moment...
>So, *no need* to "close" the list, certainly not from a technical point of
>view. Every mailing list and newsgroup on the Internet has to deal with
>spamming, etc. but very few of them are moderated.
>I think this solves our problem.
>Best wishes,
>M. Witzel
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