Mahabharata reference

phijag at phijag at
Mon Mar 4 01:48:36 UTC 1996

Dear members of the list:
I wish to thank all those who took the time and effort to check the
Mahabharata "vice-list" for me in regards to the word "compassion". 1) Such
self-less sharing of resources instantiates what a wonderful service the
list provides. 2) Isn't it interesting that van Buitenen's translation hid
this little gem (compassion) within the list of vices all these years and,
to my knowledge, no one ever thought it a strange bed-fellow? I wonder why
it didn't strike him as odd when he translated it, or, if it did, what his
justification or interpretation was which rendered it acceptable to his
brilliant mind.
Again, thank you, thank you

John Grimes, Dept of Philosophy, NUS

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