Changes in INDOLOGY
l.m.fosse at
l.m.fosse at
Sun Mar 3 14:13:50 UTC 1996
Eric Geer wrote:
>What will happen to those of us without "academic credentials" who neither
>spam nor annoy the list members? I read this and several other academic
>lists in order to keep abreast of the fields and the current discourse. I
>don't contribute or ask questions, as I'm not really qualified, but I enjoy
>and I learn. In a way, I think that educated amateurs like me may be a
>valuable link, although a quiet one, to the rest of the world. I would miss
>greatly your conversation if I were to be excluded.
Dominik, Eric has a point with which I personally sympathize, even if I
agree that something has to be done with the more idiotic contributions
that have hit the screens lately. Would it be possible to construct a
system with graded privileges? E.g.: Full privileges: Being able to do what
we have been doing so far; Restricted privileges: Only being able to *read*
mail from the Indology server. If graded privileges are technically
feasible, it would seem a fair solution to me. Full privileges could then
be granted to persons with an Indological education (active scholars,
students etc.) If somebody abuses the net, then it would be possible to
remove his/hers writing privilege, and the serious netters would not be
Best regards,
Lars Martin Fosse
Lars Martin Fosse
Research Fellow
Department of East European
and Oriental Studies
P. O. Box 1030, Blindern
N-0315 OSLO Norway
Tel: +47 22 85 68 48
Fax: +47 22 85 41 40
E-mail: l.m.fosse at
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