help with siva purana?

g.v.simson at g.v.simson at
Mon Jun 17 15:02:29 UTC 1996

Jonathan Silk asks:
>I have recently found an article in which R S Bhattacharya claims that in
>Siva Purana II.5.16.11 the Buddha is referred to as yogaacaarya.  (The
>article is in Purana 24 / 2 (1982): 388).  I have access only to an English
>translation of the text, which suggests that, in this listing of avatara of
>Vishnu, it might be Vishnu who is yogaacaarya, rather than the Buddha.  But I
>am not sure.  Interlibrary Loan for some reason seems unable to find me a
>copy of the Skt text.  Does someone have it at hand, and can quote me the
>verse?  I would appreciate and acknowledge the help!
In the edition I have at hand (Shri Venkateshvara Press, Bombay, 1965) the
vers reads:
        namas te gUDhadehAya vedaniMdAkarAya ca
        yogAcAryAya jainAya bauddharUpAya mApate.

  Georg Simson

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