typing Sanskrit

tantrapl at hektor.umcs.lublin.pl tantrapl at hektor.umcs.lublin.pl
Wed Aug 21 20:30:33 UTC 1996

I have just read a forwarded letter about standards and it reminds me ...
More than 1,5 year ago I presented my way of writing Sanskrit. There was
no reaction to it. However, I still do not know why other systems are
thought better. I guess, some computer reasons may be at stake.
Here again is my way. Let us call it BO.

1) long vowels are double repetitions of their short counterparts
2) diacritical marks written above a letter are rendered by a dash (or an
upper stroke) behind  that letter ie "-"
3) diacritical marks written below a letter are rendered by a lower stroke
written behind that letter ie "_" 
4) eventual divisions are marked by "/"
5) to distinguish between two "n-"s, one of them is written as "n~" and
the other as "n-" (you guess from Spanish which is the right way) 

And that's basically all. (I have further details ready in my pocket just in
You don't have to use strange big letters in the middle of your words. You
don't have to do such unnatural things as writing diacritics before (!)
writing a letter. You don't have to memorise strange combinations of keys.
The only really funny thing about it is you have sometimes write r_r_ . But
it is quite easy to remember and is not that often.
One more advantage of the system is you can use your old tapewriter to
write Sanskrit without much effort. (of course you must choose some other
mark for "~").
So what do you think. I noticed the heat of the discussion about languages
on banknotes is getting cooler so maybe I don't disturb it much.

Thank you for your time.
				Leslaw Borowski

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