Event announcement: Testing Workshop

David Magier magier at columbia.edu
Thu Aug 22 00:32:03 UTC 1996

The following event announcement is being forwarded to your listserv
from the EVENTS CALENDAR section of The South Asia Gopher. Please
contact event organizers directly if you seek any further information.
Thank you.  David Magier

Date: Wed, 21 Aug 1996 17:31:36 -0500
From: vgambhir at sas.upenn.edu (Dr. Vijay Gambhir)
Subject: A Testing Workshop


The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
Presents an

                Oral Proficiency Interview Workshop


                         Novemeber 18-21, 1996

                University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia

                It will include a special section for Hindi.

For details call or write to

Regan Greene

Professional Development Department
ACTFL, 6 Executive Plaza, Yonkers NY 10701
Ph: 914-963-8830, ext. 229
Fax: 914-963-1275

Registration deadline: October 4, 1996

Fee: $790 (Non-member), $630 (member)

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