"old indologists" (A. Venis)

Richard Salomon rsalomon at u.washington.edu
Thu Aug 1 20:25:06 UTC 1996

Arthur Venis seems to have done some work on Indian inscriptions.  The
only reference I have at hand, though, is to "A Note on the Two Besnagar
Inscriptions" in JRAS 1910, pp. 813-815.  It is dated "Government College,
Benares, March 23, 1910."

Richard Salomon
University of Washington

> >Dear list members,
> >I need to know some details about the following scholars:
> >1. A. Venis (or Venice?), who was principal at Government Sanskrit
> >College (Queen's College?) at Banaras during the 1890s or 1900s. What was
> >his particular field and what publications he had.
> >2. L. de Baron Holstein (Baron de Holstein?), where was he from, what was
> >his special field, from where he published Kazyapa Parivarta?
> >I would appreciate very much any information in this regard.
> >Sincerely
> >Benjamin Preciado-Solis.

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