Conspiracy theory

Vidhyanath K. Rao vidynath at
Mon Apr 15 13:24:46 UTC 1996

> In response to Julia Leslie's resquest for info on work related to the
> 'conspiracy theory' of brahminical orthodoxy  I'd like to mention Brian K.
> Smith's very detailed work "Classifying the Universe" (Oxford 1994). 
> There is a fairly detailed and hard-hitting critique of 
> this work, written by Vidyanath Rao, at the following
> webpage...

This is news to me :-)

Please note that this ``review'' must be considered as not completely
finished (although I won't finish in the near future, not till I finish
reading kaTha, maitraayani and jaimaniiya, god only knows when).

My main complaint about Smith's work (and several others), is that
there is apparently no attempt to collect all relevant material and
then see how many are confirming instances, how many are irrelevant
and how many are `rejecting' instances. This is especially apropos
as the name of Popper has been mentioned in this thread.


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