Conspiracy theory

Vidyasagar Govind vidya at
Sun Apr 14 09:54:43 UTC 1996

I tried but could not get this article on the site you quoted.By any chance
do you have a copy of this article and if so could you kindly e-mail it to

At 07:04 AM 4/14/96 BST, you wrote:
>        In response to Julia Leslie's resquest for info on work related to the
>        'conspiracy theory' of brahminical orthodoxy  I'd like to mention
Brian K.
>        Smith's very detailed work "Classifying the Universe" (Oxford 1994). 
>There is a fairly detailed and hard-hitting critique of 
>this work, written by Vidyanath Rao, at the following
Wish you a happy memorable day!
vidya at

> From indology-l at 15 1996 Apr +0100 00:02:00
Date: 15 Apr 1996 00:02:00 +0100
From: indology-l at (Peter Wyzlic)
Subject: Saint Jerome and Buddha (was: NON INDOLOGY BUT URGENT ACTION etc.)
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Hello,                                      <13. Apr 1996>

Reference: <960412105003.3239B-100000 at>


>*First Greek and Latin Documents on Sahagamana and Some Connected Problems*
>Part 2 (pp. 27) I present and analyze the first unknown (and mostly never
>traslated before) Greek and Latin documents (by historians, poets, and
>rhetors), and [...]
>BTW, Hieronymous asserts that Buddha was the founder of the sect of the
>*gimnosofistas* (known as *sophistes* or *sopeites* by Alexander's
>historians), born from a side of a virgin (like Mary is virgin and Eve was
>created from Adam's side)! This is absolutely new in the all Greek and
>Latin literature (see part 2, fn. 177).

Is it really "absolutely" new? I am not sure what you exactly mean.  
Examples of parthenogenesis are to found elsewhere (Saint Jerome himself  
mentioned some non-Christian examples in the passage in question, adversus  
Jovinianum I,42).

Or do you intend to say that Jerome was the first in the Western world who  
took account of the Buddha and his birth? How about the _Acta Archelai_ of  
Hegemonius? This is an early anti-Manichean text (allegedly before 350)  
which was known to Saint Jerome (he cited it in _Liber de viris  
illustribus_). There a certain Terebinthus claims that his name is "Budda"  
and that he was born by a virgin (...talem de se famam pervulgavit ipse  
Terebinthus, dicens omni se sapientia Aegyptiorum repletum et vocari iam  
non Terebinthum, sed Buddam nomine sibique hoc nomen inpositum; ex quadam  
autem virgine natum se esse simulavit et ab angelo in montibus enutritum,  
Acta Archelai 63.2 ed. C.H. Beeson).

I think this passage of Saint Jerome is well known since long and often  
cited. Among the indologists H.H. Wilson cites it in his essay on Buddhism  
(sorry, I have the exact reference not at hand) and, of course, E.  
Windisch in his "Buddha's Geburt" (Leipzig 1908, p. 220 seq.).

Peter Wyzlic

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