Debates in Tamil

nas_ng at nas_ng at
Thu Apr 11 18:59:12 UTC 1996


   Tamil Debates

Continuing on the information Prof. Vasudha Narayanan provided
from Srivaishnava side, there are several more from Saiva
side too.

Manimekalai, the only Buddhist epic in Tamil, 6th century AD (There is also a 
grammar, VirachOzhiyam, 12th century) evaluates all the other religions
in contrast to Buddhism. In fact, the Tamil word for Debating forum
is mentioned in Manimekalai. "Pattimandapam PaangaRintu ERumin"

The Bhakti period was of full debates (7th-11th centuries). The polemics 
of Gnana Sambandhar against Jains/Buddhists is dealt by A. Veluppillai, 
Uppsala university and Indira Peterson, Mount Holyoke college in recent papers.

Saiva Siddhantins in almost all their writings evaluate all other
religions & no wonder, Saiva Siddhantam emereges triumphant.
Madhava Sivagnana Yogikal in his civan~Ana mApATiyam has
several chapters comparing several religions.

tuRaimankalam civappirakAcar was a gifted poet of 17th century
and a Veerasaivaite. Truly, one of the greatest Tamil poets. 
He wrote "Ecumata nirAkaraNam" - a refutation of Christianity.
This is probably the earliest documented work against Christianity
from South India. It is said that he held debates with Veeramamunivar,
the Italian Jesuit priest. But their times do not match.
So is it against De Nobili?? As far as I know, Only two of the poems 
have survived.  Given in ca. cOmacuntara tEcikar, tamilp pulavarkal
varalaru (patinEzhaam nURRANTu). Desigar further notes that the only
available manuscript was purchased by a European Collector.
(Frank Whyte Ellis ??). He died young. His successor's cook/butler
burnt tons of South Indian manuscripts 'to kindle the kitchen fires'.
I am very interested in seeing this work. May be in a Veerasaiva math
manuscript collection or GOML etc.. Mayilam Math published collected
works of Civappirakacar in 1944. Available at British library.
It must be checked. If somebody in UK is willing to help, I can get the
full bibliographical refence. It will be great if Ecumata
nirakaranam can be found.

In 19th century, Arumuga Navalar of Jaffna was employed by Peter
Percival to translate bible into tamil. Later Navalar was a
champion reformer of Saivism and wrote several prose polemics
against Christianity. Prof. Dennis Hudson has written
few articles on Navalar. There is arecent book on Navalar from

N. Ganesan
nas_ng at

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