Fulbrite in India (fwd)

Michael Ian Doliveck miked at bgnet.bgsu.edu
Sun Sep 17 23:34:10 UTC 1995

Dear Mr. Plukker,
Thank you very much for your information.  I will follow up on it 
immediately.  If you think of anything else or have questions for me, 
please don't hesitate to contact me.
If you are interested in finding out more about what I do, please see my 
homepage.  It is not fully complete, but it will give you an idea.  The 
location is at the bottom of this message.
Thank you again for your time and information,
Michael Doliveck.

On Fri, 15 Sep 1995 dplukker at inter.NL.net wrote:

> >My name is Michael Doliveck and I am applying for a Fulbright Student
> >Fellowship to India for 1996.  I am a graduate student at Bowling Green State
> >University in Ohio, U.S.A.  I am also an artist who works in stone and
> >bronze.   ------  CUT   -------
>   I am seeking an official affiliation with an educational or
> >artistic institution in India.  As part of my application, I
> >need a letter of invitation  from an institution that would offer to act
> >as my host while in India.  This affiliation would not financially
> >obligate the host institution because my Fulbright Fellowship would cover
> >my expenses.
> > 
> Try: Sanskriti Kendra
>      Delhi Office: C-6/53 Safdarjung Development Area
>      New Delhi 110016
>      tel. (011)653226, fax (011)6853383
> Regards,
>     Dick Plukker
>     India Institute, Amsterdam

Michael Doliveck                 miked at bgnet.bgsu.edu
212 North Church Street          WWW Page- http://dad.bgsu.edu/~miked/
Bowling Green, Ohio 43403        Phone (419)353-1048
U.S.A.                           FAX: (419)372-0304 c/o Linda Nieman


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