CSX fonts in PDF

ucgadkw ucgadkw at ucl.ac.uk
Fri Oct 20 13:57:42 UTC 1995

I don't know anything about making PDF files, but perhaps the problem
Damian has had with CSX isn't font-specific?  Just guessing on the basis
of the following post to comp.fonts:
In article <gci.13.00EDF7FA at gcitype.com>, gci at gcitype.com (Graphic
Composition) wrote:

> I was under the impression that the Acrobat Distiller software had an option 
> to include actual fonts (or the necessary characters from a font) in a PDF 
> file. If so, I have not been able to find it.

This feature is only available from v2.0, if you have v1.0 you need to upgrade.

> I know that the Acrobat Reader will create a semi-lookalike font if the 
> requested font is not available on the target system. But is there a way to 
> include the true font in the PDF file so that font integrity will be 
> maintained even if the target computer does not have the font?

Yes, as you have indicated with Distiller 2.0, or the specification of PDF
does allow you to embed fonts in files by "hand" programming them in (you
*really* don't want to do that).

Clive Bruton (AKA The Typonaut)

clive at d-supp.demon.co.uk

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