Warburg Institute Research Fellowships (fwd)

Francois Quiviger francois at sas.ac.uk
Wed Oct 11 16:51:42 UTC 1995

Although the following announcement for fellowships do not seem at first
sight to concern indologists it is worth pointing out that in the past
some have been awarded to scholars studying aspects of cultural contacts
between Asia and the West. I hope therefore that the following message 
will be of interest to some members of this list. 

			With best wishes.

			Francois Quiviger


The Warburg Institute  Research Fellowships, 1996-97

The Warburg Institute
The Warburg Institute is dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of the 
classical tradition - in the sense of those elements in European thought, 
art and institutions that have evolved out of the cultures of the ancient 
world.  Its Library and Photographic Collection are designed and arranged 
to encourage research into the processes by which one culture learns from 
another and by which different fields of thought and art act on each 
other.  They are particularly concerned with continuities between the 
ancient Mediterranean civilizations and the cultural and intellectual 
history of post-classical Europe, especially in the period to c. 1800.

Research Fellowships
The following Fellowships in intellectual and cultural history will be 
tenable at the Warburg Institute in the 1996-97 session.

Brian Hewson Crawford Fellowship:  A Research Fellowship has been endowed 
from the estate of, and in memory of, Dr Brian Hewson Crawford, who 
graduated from the University of London in 1926.  A short-term Fellowship 
is available for the study of any aspect of the classical tradition.  
Under the terms of the deed, the Fellowship is open to European scholars 
other than of British nationality.

Henri Frankfort Fellowship:  Mrs Enriqueta Frankfort has endowed a 
Research Fellowship in memory of her husband Henri Frankfort, who was 
Director of the Institute from 1949 to 1954.  The Fellowship, which is 
short-term, may be held in any of the areas in which Professor Frankfort 
made his distinguished contributions to scholarship:  the intellectual 
and cultural history of the ancient Near and Middle East, with particular 
reference to society, art architecture, religion, philosophy and science; 
the relations between the cultures of Mesopotamia, Egypt and the Aegean, 
and their influence on later civilizations.  The Fellowship is not 
intended to support archaeological excavation.

Frances A. Yates Fellowships:  Dame Frances Yates, who died on 29 
September 1981, generously bequeathed her residuary estate to found a 
research Fellowship or Fellowships in her name at the Institute.  
Fellows' interests may lie in any aspect of cultural and intellectual 
history but, other things being equal, preference will be given to those 
whose work is concerned with those areas of the medieval and Renaissance 
encyclopedia of knowledge to which Dame Frances herself made such 
distinguished contributions.  A long-term Fellowship (up to three years) 
is offered in some years but is not available for 1996-97.  Approximately 
8 short-term Fellowships are available.

NORD/LB Warburg-Wolfenbuttel Fellowship:  The Norddeutsche Landesbank has 
funded a four-month Research Fellowship tenable for two months at the 
Institute and two months at the Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbuttel for 
research into the cultural and intellectual history of early modern 
Europe.  [Conditions, value of award and method of application for this 
Fellowship follow in a separate message.]

The Fellowships are intended for younger scholars who should have 
completed at least two years' research towards the doctorate.  Those 
employed as Professor, Lecturer, or equivalent in a university or 
learned institution may normally hold an award only if they are taking 
unpaid leave for the whole of the period.  The Fellowship may not be held 
concurrently with another Fellowship or award.  Applicants must normally 
have been under 35 years of age on 1 October 1995.  Any other conditions 
for eligibility applicable to individual Fellowships are stated above.

Duration and Value of Fellowships:
The Fellowships will be of one to three months' duration.  The 
value of awards will be:  applicants domiciled in the United Kingdom, 
1,550 pounds for three months (shorter periods not available; National 
Insurance contributions required); applicants domiciled abroad, 800 
pounds for one month, 1,300 pounds for two months, 1,800 pounds for three 
months.  The amount of these stipends is absolute; no additional travel 
costs or expenses will be paid.

Fellows must hold at least three-quarters of their award during term-time.  
Term dates for 1996-97 will be 30 September - 6 December 
1996; 6 January - 14 March 1997; 21 April - 27 June 1997.

No interviews are held for short-term Fellowships.  Awards will be 
notified in March 1996. All candidates will be informed of the outcome of 
their application.

All Fellows will be expected to participate in the life of the Institute 
and to put their knowledge at the disposal of the Institute by presenting 
their work in a seminar and by advising the Library and Photographic 
Collection.  Fellows may teach elsewhere during tenure of the Fellowship 
only with the express permission of the Director.  They will be required 
to present a brief written report at the conclusion of their 
appointments.  A Fellowship may be terminated if the Appointing Committee 
is not satisfied that the conditions of the award are being met.  All 
publications containing results of work done with the aid of a Fellowship 
shall include adequate acknowledgement of the fact.

Applications should be made by letter to the Director giving the 
following information:
1.  A curriculum vitae giving full details of name, date of birth, 
address and present occupation, school and university education, degrees, 
teaching and research experience, publications
2.  An outline of proposed research
3.  Particulars of grants received, if any, for the same subject
4.  The names and addresses of two or three persons who have agreed to 
write, without further invitation, to the Director in support of the 
appliction.  These letters of reference should reach the Director by 4 
January 1996.  It is the responsibility of candidates to ask their 
referees to write to the Director by this date.
5.  Candidates from abroad applying for awards should specify how long they 
wish to spend at the Institute (i.e. one, two or three months).
6.  Copies of published work should be submitted, if possible.  
Candidates should indicate whether they wish these publications to be 
returned, or whether they may be given to the Institute's library.

Closing date: applictions must arrive at the Institute no later than 5 
December 1995.

Applications MUST be made by post.  (No e-mail applications will be 
accepted.)  The postal address of the Institute is:  

The Warburg Institute
University of London
Woburn Square
London WC1H 0AB


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