request for article

Anand Venkt Raman A.Raman at
Tue Oct 10 22:57:36 UTC 1995

Our library doesn't have this article - neither does any in the
country.  I figure email would be faster than placing an overseas
interloan request.  So I would greatly appreciate it if someone who
already has this article can mail, fax, ftp or email an electronic
version of it:

J.F.Fleet, The katapayadi system of expressing numbers, Journal
of the Royal Asiatic Society (JRAS), 1911, p.788-794.

Many thanks in advance.

- &
Anand Raman                       Ph: +64-6-350-4186, 355-0062 (a/h)
Dept of Computer Science          Fx: +64-6-350-5611

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