Trouble with devnag Metafont.

Dominik Wujastyk ucgadkw at
Tue Nov 28 10:11:26 UTC 1995

The error message you are getting from TeX is about TFM (TeX Font
Metric) files, not bitmaps (PK).  TeX doesn't care about actual bitmaps:
all it looks at are the measurements of the characters, contained in the
TFMs.  (When you try to view or print the DVI output from TeX, the
viewing or printing program has the messy job of finding the right
bitmaps to display the document.)

So your TeX can't find dnh.tfm.

I have never used ITRANS with TeX (can't see the point), so I'm afraid I
can't help further.  I do have an em-TeX-ized version of the Velthuis
Devanagari system; i.e., a zip file you can just unpack straight into
the \emtex directory system.  I'll make it available from the INDOLOGY
supplementary Gopher later today.



Dominik Wujastyk,
Wellcome Institute,
183 Euston Road,
London NW1 2BE.

FAX: +44 171 611 8545
email: d.wujastyk at

For my PGP public key etc., see my WWW home page:


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