W.D.O'Flaherty's Jaiminiya Brahmana
Tue Nov 7 06:02:27 UTC 1995
Since I had been put on the spot, etc.: here is NO. 2:
2. Jaiminiya Brahmana
(W.D. O'Flaherty, Tales of Sex and Violence. Folklore, Sacrifice, and
Danger in the Jaiminiya Brahmana. U. of Chicago Press 1985)
There are many points I would take issue with in this book (starting from
the title and the time limit she gives to JB, 900 BC, without any
justification, etc. etc., -- for the moment, see H. Bodewitz, in his
introd. to vol. II of his JB translation).
And of course, the translation, again is a *re*-translation, for all of
O.'s selections had been translated by Hans Oertel and Willem Caland
into English/German long before; see her own bibliography. O. merely
added a fashionable(?) Freudian coating.
I select for commentary: "The rejuvenation of Cyavana" (JB 3.120-29), O.
p. 64 sqq.;
The trouble again is that O. did not follow up the secondary literature
well, not even with the help of the students she mentions.
* if, -- she would have noticed that the 19th century "western scorn for
the brahmanas" has long been overcome, see K. Hoffmann, Aufsaetze zur
Indo-Iranistik,vol. III, ed. S Glauch et al., Wiesbaden 1992, p. 709, --
a 1959 piece, following up Oldenberg and St. Schayer -- and Hoffmann's
school at Erlangen, among which my lamented friend, A.Benke, MA thesis
Erlangen 1976, and M. Witzel: On Magical Thought in the Veda. Leiden:
Universitaire Pers, 1979 (where the literature is given; incidentally, all
provided by the editor to B.K. Smith for his article in Indo-Iranian
Journal: "The unity of ritual: The place of the domestic sacrifice in
Vedic ritualism", IIJ 29,(1986) 79-96, and only partially used in
his book "Reflections on resemblance, ritual, and religion." New
York-Oxford 1989.-- which again lambasts our predecessors without making
clear that their attitudes had long been overcome.)
* And, -- if the sec. lit. had been used -- the translation would have
turned out much better.
In JB 3.120 sqq. (p. 64 sqq.) there are several cases where this would
have helped: p. 64 (JB 3.120): O's "the thrice returning departure"
versus W. Rau, MSS 39, p. 159, 161 n. 1 tells us that this is part of the
trekking procedure of the Vedic Indo-Aryans: Two days travel, one day
rest (yoga-kSema). Thus: 3 times a period of double marching days
(trih punahprayaaNam). -- NB. see already his book: Staat und
Gesellschaft im alten Indien nach den Brahmana-Texten dargestellt,
Wiesbaden 1957, again largely unread west of the Atlantic...).
Further, the graama, which treks with wild west style wagons, is not a
"clan" as O. translates repeatedly but a group of people under a
graamanii "trek leader": including brahmins, ksatriyas, vaisyas and others
-- for example the dumb carpenter of O. p.107, JB 2.272).
The old Cyavana (3.120, p. 65) is not "on his last legs" but a niSThaava,
a "spitter" due to loss of front teeth, see again W. Rau, MSS 39, 160-161
I also leave aside her predilection for street language colloquialisms
"balls of cowshit, balls of shit" (or: the balls of Indra) or: hanta
"hell!" (p. 65, 3.121), normal meaning: "let's do (something)" -- all
all cases where Vedic slang is not seen in the Sanskrit but the standard
expressions, and I also leave aside the many gaps in the translations
where words or whole sentences have been forgotten (e.g.: p. 64 As he was
left behind :vaastau; p. 64 His sons have left him: nuunam; etc . etc. --
the last section, JB 3.125, only receives a short paraphrase, not a
translation -- but O. does not tell us).
I rather move to more serious grammatical business: O. does not know the
function of the "future" imperative in -taad (Delbrueck, Altindische
Syntax, 1888 (!) p. 263 sqq. Thus in par. 123-124, where a serious of
commands is given, they should be tranlated by: do this, AND THEN do
that -- the normal meaning of -taad in the Veda.
O. always calls the members of Zaaryaata's wagon train (graama)
"Zaryaati", misunderstanding the 'first-year Sanskrit' Vrddhi formation in
the text which has zaaryaatya- .
Difficult sentences, such as: saa yadiitiiyaayayaditi (p. 65, 3.121 end)
are simply left out without telling us so.
And p. 66 (JB 3.124) abibhede (MSS: abhibede/Talavakara Brahmana
parallel: abhipede!!) is not (with Caland) "she could tell them apart"
(from bhid???) but a typical JB mistake for *abhipede "she touched him by
the arm, baahau)", see K. Hoffmann, MSS 23 (1968!), p., 41-43 = Aufsaetze
p. 504-5.
Simple question: if *that* much is wrong in just one story (and this is a
small selection only!) -- what about the rest of this book and her other
Facit: It might have been better to have used the old translations and to
have added her Freudian interpretation to them...
In sum: The "translation" simply is UNREALIABLE.
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