W.D.O'Flaherty's Rgveda
Tue Nov 7 05:58:17 UTC 1995
Since I had been put on the spot, I had promised some examples from
To be (relatively) quick: one section each from the Rgveda, Jaiminiya
Brahmana and Manu in this and the next 2 messages:
1. The Rig Veda. An anthology, Penguin 1981
RV 10.95 (O'Flaherty p.253):
VS.1. O's rendering of even the first two paadas is more of a paraphrase
than a translation:
Haye' jaa'ye ma'nasaa ti'STha ghore
va'caaMsi mizraa' kRNavaavahai nu'
"My wife turn your heart and mind to me. Stay here, dangerous woman, and
let us exchange words."
This is rather a stream of unconnected George-Bush-like anacoluths, five
sentences in the first line, which reflect the state of mind of Pururavas
(love-sick, wandering around stammering, as ZB says). -- O. missed this
altogether. (Of course, the discussion of this hymn by K. Hoffmann,
Der Injunktiv im Veda, Wiesbaden 1967, p. 199 might have helped.)
"Hey! Wife! Sensibly -- Stand still! Terrible one! -- let us now exchange
(haye seems to be the more polite version of: hai, usually addressed to
female demons, in AV etc. -- In the RV, Hoffmann thinks, haye means
something like "oh, poor me", German: ach)
VS 5. raa'ja me viira tanv`as ta'd aasiiH
O.: "you were my man, king of my body".
The Vedic accent (viira, no accent, is vocative) has not been
"Then, o man, you were lord of my body."
(Geldner and Hoffmann correctly)
12. ca'kran naa'zru vartayad vijaana'n
O.: "He will shed tears, sobbing, when he learns"
There is no sobbing here, and cakran na (usual Vedic sandhi) is, at
best, zleSa (krand "cry"/cakra "wheel")-- but transl.?; and vartayad is
Injunctive Present (Hoffm. p. 205). Thus:
"(the new born son), he lets roll (down) the tear like a wheel, when he
(The same in Vs 13: no sobbing!)
VS15. maa' pra' papto ... na' va'i stra'iNaani sakhyaa'ni santi.
O: "do not vanish... There are no friendships with women."
In 14 and 15 pra pat refers to killing oneself by jumping down (a cliff),
= suicide. Cf. S'B (Hoffm. p. 207 n. 193). *That* is how the
wolves would find him...
O. denies the possibility of male/female friendship -- perhaps a current
local cultural bias -- but certainly not a Rgvedic one. For:
Sakhya- is completely misunderstood, as is usual in such cases with
Indologists not very conversant with Vedic; it is understood on the basis
of Epic/Classical sakhi "friend" and thus the whole point of the apparent
saying is missed.
A Vedic sakhi is not just any friend (and a woman could be that!) but a
socius, the -- by necessity -- MALE member of a sodality such a the
vraatya "brotherhood" (therefore Hoffmann: "Gefolgschaftstreue"; on
Vraatyas see now H. Falk, Bruderschaft, Freiburg 1986). There simply
*are* no female sakhya-. The (common) women of the vraatyas live with
them for a while just like Urvazii...
--- etc. etc. In this hymn (of 18 stanzas) alone I have counted 43
instances which are wrong or where others would easily disagree.
In short: UNRELIABLE and idiosyncratic.
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