
aklujkar at aklujkar at
Thu May 25 01:13:22 UTC 1995

On 17 April 95, Andrew Fort inquired regarding the availability of the
Suuta-sa.mhitaa text. Helpful responses from R. Torella, J. Silk and D.
Wujastyk followed. Unable to attend to my e-mail then because of the
pressure of other work, I could read these postings only today. 

There is a very expertly produced edition of  Suuta-sa.mhitaa in my
personal collection. I bought it, I think in 1977, in an old book shop in
Madras. The edition in my view is a model of beautiful Devanaagarii type.
It also contains the Taatparya-diipikaa commentary mentioned by Dr.
Torella. In my copy the beginning and the end are slightly damaged and the
title pages are missing, but nothing of substance is lost. From the last
page, that is, p. 1066 (yes, the text is that extensive), it is evident
that the edition was printed at  'Srii-baala-manoramaa Press, Mailaapuur,
Madras. The type confirms this specification. Sanskrit texts produced by
the Shribalamanorama Press of Madras deserve the same recognition for
neatness in the history of Indology as the texts produced by the
Nirnaya-sagara Press of Bombay. 

Ashok Aklujkar


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