Sanskrit mangalas in Indonesian texts

Max.Nihom at Max.Nihom at
Thu May 4 12:43:02 UTC 1995

>Friends on the list who work on Sanskrit in Indonesian texts:
>        A student of music here has brought me a text about Gamelan music
>based on a palm leaf manuscript in Indonesian which has an unmistakeably
>Sanskritic beginning.  It reads: om awighnam astu nama siddham.  A few
>lines later it reads:  "om sidhingastu nama ciwaya."  I know nothing about
>Sanskrit in Indonesia.  avighnam astu is clear enough.  The question is:
>what is this "Nama Siddham ?"  nama for namaH is clear, but what of siddham
>? nama ciwaya suggests that dative with namaH is still possible, although
>siddhiM astu suggests that case endings have in general lost some of their
>        Any immediate reactions ?  Any reference works to turn to ?
>C. Minkowski,  Cornell

On the formula om awighnam astu namah siddham, see M. Klokke, Tantri reliefs 
on Javanese Candi, Leiden, 1993, p. 49 note 30: "This is a salutory formula 
often preceeding a text". It does not seem to have any necessary connection 
to grammatical treatises.

Max Nihom, Vienna


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