More cereal words: boro, varaku etc.

kalyans at kalyans at
Wed Jun 21 13:46:22 UTC 1995

More on South asian cereal words: boro, varaku etc.

Tamil varaku = a kind of grain (paspalum frumentaceum); it is also 
applied to other kinds of millet, as pulvaraku = panicum colonum. vAvar 
(Marathi) the cultivated or cultivable land in a village. bhurari, 
bhUrurI (Hindi) corn remaining in the ear after it has been trodden 
down, especially applied to the grains of the rabi crop. boro (Hindi, 
Bengali) a sort of rice sown in January and reaped in April: it is sown 
in low swampy ground, or near the banks of a river where irrigation is 
not required; boro fazl = the season of spring, or that in which the 
boro rice is reaped. bora = a sack for holding rice. buRRi (Hindi) 
sowing seed by dropping it from the hand into the furrow, instead of 
sowing broadcast or by drill. cf. virai-kAl (Tamil) land fit for 

birinj (Hindi, Punjabi) rice; birinjAri (Hindi, Punjabi) a dealer in 
rice following camps; more correctly banjAri; birinjphal (Hindi) a sort 
of rice. bIr (Hindi) pasturage, grass land; birhAnA (Hindi) lands in 
which culinary herbs are grown. buranT (Marathi) a place overgrown with 
grass and bushes. birra (Hindi) gram and barley sown in the same field; 
in Delhi district, chana or gram injured by wet; birra (Hindi) entry of 
the different crops of the village lands under separate heads in 
patwAri's accounts. bURa-Tukra (Bengali) an account of village receipts 
and disbursments made up for six or eight months by the patwArI and 
balanced. vAra (Kanada) a share of the crop or of the produce of a 

Hindi baRhni, buRhnee = advance on a contract for goods or 
grain.[Perhaps, linked to vrddhi increase, interest; intersecting with 
bAoni, baoner (Hindi) seed-time, sowing; vAvani (Gujarati) act of 
sowing seed].[vayal (Tamil, Malayalam a rice-field, ground fit for rice 
cultivation; any open field or plain; vayar-k-karai (Tamil) a rice corn 
field]. vArakamu (Telugu) advance made to cultivators to enable them to 
carry on cultivation.


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