Landsat, Geology and Sarasvati

Dominik Wujastyk ucgadkw at
Thu Jun 15 22:35:21 UTC 1995

Thank you for the bibliography, which is very interesting indeed.

I still don't see the necessary relationship between the history of the
geology of this region and the advisability of renaming the culture.
We sometimes talk about Harappan, sometimes about Mohenjodaro-Harappa,
sometimes about Indus Valley, but the main point, surely, is that we
all know what we are talking about.  People who keep up with current
scholarship on the subject are aware of the river movements, and the
fact that the culture covered a far greater area than was once thought,
and that it extended "down" through villages to smaller settlements
which shared certain artefacts etc., and were evidently part of the
same cultural milieu, though not city-based.

I just don't see how fiddling with the name is meant to help.  If in a
decade we discover some other feature of the culture, should the name
change again?   Names are conventional, as almost all Indian
philosphers have taught.

Tinkering with labels reminds me of the streets in almost all
Indian cities, which have often been renamed to reflect glory on recent
generations of politicians and prominent citizens.  But nobody *really* 
uses the new names.  Even the official maps don't always match the street 
name signs.  What the change does is just creat confusion for visitors. :-)


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