Sememe: ayana; sun and property

Dominik Wujastyk ucgadkw at
Thu Jun 8 08:59:17 UTC 1995

> The mention of Indus/Saraswati in his post is no excuse for this either. It
> is evident from the Landsat images of the region that most archeological 
> sites lie along the basin of a river that does not exist any more. Purely 
> from an objective standpoint, there is no harm in labelling this as an
> Indus/Saraswati civilization. 

Perhaps I jumped to an incorrect conclusion.  But I have to say that
the only historical writings in which I have ever seen the expression
"Indus/Saraswati civilization" used are in those of right-wing
revisionists.  Perhaps there are other publications I have missed where
the term is used neutrally.


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