Sememe: ayana; sun and property

Dominik Wujastyk ucgadkw at
Thu Jun 8 08:53:19 UTC 1995

> > step, for every phonological change you mention.  It isn't good enough
> > to throw every word that reminds you of anything similar together in a heap
> > and call it an argument.  And your current posting seems to me --
> > an ignorant outsider -- to be just like that.
> I was on vacation therefore cannot comment on the original post which I 
> have not seen but I do highly disapprove the use of words "ignorant outsider"
> howsoever illogical Dr Kalyanraman's comments may have been but he must have
> some credentials to have earned a doctorate and does not deserve ad 
> hominem invectives.

Dear Aditya,

A skeptic is essentially one who looks, who watches carefully.  If you
look carefully at what I wrote, you may notice that I was insulting
myself.  This is part of a grand old British tradition, the same 
tradition which would prevent me from ever even considering 
being rude to someone in public.


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