Kyoto ftp archive

David Magier magier at
Fri Jan 20 03:35:02 UTC 1995

There were some reports of inability to connect to Prof. Michio Yano's
Sanskrit text archives at Kyoto Sangyo University, due to earthquake
disruption of the net. The connection is apparently back up and
running, as I just now connected with no difficulty. To remind

a) ftp to:

b) then cd (change directory) to: pub/doc/sanskrit

Live links to the Rmayana and Mahabharata files can also be found
within the ELECTRONIC TEXTS section of the South Asia Gopher. Dominik,
Tom Ridgeway and I have been conferring on mirroring these files (as
well as CSX retranscriptions of them, plus other indic files from Tom's
former 'blackbox' archive), and making them all available through the
INDOLOGY ftp archive. We may also be able to mirror some or all of
these files at the COOMBS facility at ANU. By spreading these materials
around the net, it should make it easier for indologists in different
continents to get to them, regardless of temporary network traffic or
server outages.

David Magier

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