
cardona at unagi.cis.upenn.edu cardona at unagi.cis.upenn.edu
Thu Feb 23 13:34:49 UTC 1995

In his note of February 22nd, Carlos Lopez kindly referred K. Cejka to my
work on PaaNini.  A short comment is in order.  PaaNini does *not* provide
for aamreDita *compounds*.  What he does provide for is the repetition of a
whole syntactic pada (8.1.1: sarvasya dve) under specified conditions.  The
second pada of such a complex has the name aamreDita (tasya param
aamreDitam) and has only low-pitched vowels to begin with (anudaataM ca). 
Clearly, the complex in question is not called samaasa.  On the other hand,
authors of padapaaThas, such as Saakalya in his RgvedapadapaaTha, do indeed
treat complexes like dive dive as compounds.  The difference in treatment
can be accounted for reasonably, in my opinion.  Given that the complex has
only one high-pitched vowel, it can be treated as a compound-like entity. 
On the other hand, unlike padakaaras, PaaNini operates with a procedure
whereby only one of a possible set of homophonous units used with one
vibhakti is allowed to remain (saruupaaNaam ekazeSa ekavibhaktau).  I
discuss this in a short article to appear soon in the Paul Thieme
Festschrift (StII).  George Cardona


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