Project to preserve 20th-century Indian monographs
naru at
naru at
Thu Feb 23 14:31:48 UTC 1995
The following excerpt from a press release by the Center for
Research Libraries may be of interest to some members of INDOLOGY.
The National Endowment for the Humanities has awarded a grant to
the Center for Research Libraries (CRL) on behalf of the South Asia
Microform Project (SAMP) for "Microfilming and Cataloging Early
Twentieth-Century Indian Monographs."
The purposes of this project are to make more widely accessible
and to preserve a body of the most significant early twentieth-century
publications of India in Marathi, Gujarati, Sindhi, Konkani, and
English, the major languages of western India. Titles for the project
will be selected from _The National Bibliography of Indian Literature:
1901-1953_, edited by B. S. Kesavan. A service copy of all 8,000
volumes filmed in the project will be deposited into the CRL library
collection. Microfilming will take place at the University of Bombay
Library and the Library of Congress Field Office in New Delhi. The
Library of Congress also will create new cataloging records for the
titles filmed. All titles preserved in the project will be cataloged
fully with bibliographic information added to the major U.S.
bibliographic utilities and to the Center for Research Libraries' on-
line catalog accessible through the INTERNET.
Outright funding for this project will total $220,660 over two
years, with an additional $39,175 contingent upon the receipt of
matching funds.
For more information, contact: Linda Naru
CRL Director of Member Services
312-955-4545 x318
Linda Naru
Director of Member Services
The Center for Research Libraries
6050 South Kenwood Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60637-2804
Voice: 312-955-4545 x318
Fax: 312-955-4339
Internet: naru at
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