Internet connection in Madras, India

s. kalyanaraman s._kalyanaraman at
Wed Feb 22 08:44:46 UTC 1995

     My apologies for this repeat posting; anxiety? aas~aa! 
     I am returning from Manila to Madras. I need to connect my PC at home 
     to the internet, at least for e-mail. 
     Please help me with info. on 
     (1) is this possible?  
     (2) who should I contact there? 
     Thanks and best wishes. I have truly benefited from and enjoyed my 
     membership in the indology group. Let us hope that we may someday meet 
     in India c/o CP Ramaswami Indological Research Institute. namaskaaram.
     Dr. S. Kalyanaraman, 20/7 Warren Road, Mylapore, Madras 600-004; Tel. 
     91-44-493-6288; Fax. 91-44-499-6380 (After 1 March 1995).


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