moderating not moderation

Enrica Garzilli garzilli at
Mon Feb 13 23:01:57 UTC 1995

On Mon, 13 Feb 1995, Leslaw Borowski wrote:

> To C.Lopez: Do you think "netiquette" is only one,accepted by all and 
> obvious to all?  Lesl~aw Borowski
> Dear Mr. Borowski, it is a pleasure to find each time your mail in 
the list......each time I'm logged on....(once a day at least..). When I 
suggested to you a netiquette, I suggested to 
be silent unless you understand the geenral tone, the topic, etc.. Just 
like when you enter a new house of foreign hosts....
Yes, there are general rules...unless the group has determined new rules..

However, regarding the many interesting questions you asked me, I will 
reply to you privately. I am sorry for the delay. I will also send the 
address of that list I mentioned already...
Best regards
enrica garzilli 

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