
Mizue Sugita h54251 at sakura.kudpc.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Sat Feb 11 09:23:31 UTC 1995

Dear Jonathan:

We (Professor Tokunaga and his several students) are now reading
KAmasUtra in a class.

Last year I digitalized the text according to KAmasUtram with
commentary of yazodhara, dvitIyaM saMskaraNam, nirNayasAgarayantrAlaya, 
1900 and added chapter and verse numbers at head of lines according to 
KAmasUtram edited by ZrIdevduTTa ZAstrI, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, 
Varanasi, saMvat 2049

Now proofreading has been done only till the verse 2.2.10. 

Are you interested in it?

Mizue Sugita 
h54251 at sakura.kudpc.kyoto-u.ac.jp

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