Jainism/Buddhism in Tamilnadu

C.A. Coleman 6500carp at ucsbuxa.ucsb.edu
Thu Aug 17 00:43:32 UTC 1995

On Mon, 14 Aug 1995, Mani Varadarajan wrote:

> I have mentioned this before, but I must correct this error.
> Ramanuja has never used the term "prachanna bauddha" to describe
> Sankara or his followers, though Vedanta Desika, his follower 
> of a couple centuries later, does so.
> The term is most often used in polemic literature of the Dvaita
> school, beginning with Anandatirtha.

Has anyone ever suggested that this implied absorption of Buddhism into 
a growing fourth and fifth century Brahminic renaissance could be 
attributed to, in part, an emerging lay-buddhist ethic that 
Tathagatagarbha philosophy introduces in the third century?  Of course 
the main problem with this suggestion entails questioning how much 
exposure the laity had to such esoteric teachings as tathagatagarbha.

CA Coleman

"It is madness to wear ladies' straw hats and velvet hats to
church; we should all be wearing crash helmets."
					--Annie Dillard 
					_Teaching a Stone to Talk_ 


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