CSX and OS/2

Dominik Wujastyk ucgadkw at ucl.ac.uk
Tue Aug 15 14:10:13 UTC 1995

Juergen Hanneder has kindly made available the files in
the archive csx-os2.zip which facilitate the use of CSX fonts
within OS/2 and the TeX environment.  Anyone using any of these
platforms will find useful materials here.  Juregen's readme is as

The files included in this package facilitate the use of Sanskrit with
Emacs, AucTeX and Emtex (LaTeX2e) under OS2 by using the Classical
Sanskrit Extended 8-bit character set.  The Installation and usage is
described in the documentation, which can be produced by running
LaTeX2e on install.ins and then two times on indology.drv.

The article in tex-os2.tex may give a general idea. 

All files are free software according to the GNU General Public Licence.

The archive may be retrieved from the INDOLOGY supplementary gopher,
or from the WEB site via 
or by plain old ftp from

Thanks, Juergen,


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