Hanuman Jayanti

Aditya, The Hindu Skeptic a018967t at bcfreenet.seflin.lib.fl.us
Sun Apr 16 01:56:01 UTC 1995

On Sun, 16 Apr 1995, Douglas R. Brooks wrote:

> Today is Hanuman Jayanti, or so I have
> been told.
> My question (why don't I know this?) is:
> why are the gods birthdays sometimes called
> jayanti-s, other times navaami-s (like Rama's
> last week)?
Jayanti means celebration or anniversary. and navami means 9th day of the 
calendar like 4th of July. The Jayanti does not indicate the day or date 
of the event.

 > There must be some simple explanation that gets
> to the heart of the matter, other than
> the "day" of the lunar month answer...
Why not?
> Also, does anyone know why there are _two_
> Navaratri-s?  And why they are on the calender
> where they are?
In this context Navratri just means a celebration lasting nine nights. 
Therefore it can be any number of times.

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